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Mobius Artist Event acting balance[d]

  • Spilt Milk Gallery Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom (map)

acting balance[d]

Virtual Exhibition with Spilt Milk Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland

Acting balance[d] brings together 30 contemporary artists to consider what it means to be a mother and artist in the current climate.

Responding to the words ‘Balance, Pressure, Centred’ the selected works explore the artists’ unique experiences of navigating the duality of Mother and Artist roles in life, art and all that is in between. Humorous, confronting and questioning, the show touches on themes of mental health, the mythic and the contextualisation of self in society.

What does it mean to try and negotiate the balance of our responsibilities? What value do we place on maintaining an equilibrium? What really is realistic?

November 24

Mobius Artist Event Climate Change and the Arts: A Post-Cop26 Roundtable Discussion

December 5

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